With Passion Driving You It Will Never Steer You Wrong

days I’m so exhausted from being exhausted that I can’t even rest peacefully.
And now that I know the direction I want my life to go in, I am officially a
part-time student to perfect my craft. So NOW in addition to everything I
already have going on, I have to write papers for class, study, work in labs,
and spend time of my life focusing on science (UGH)!
tired just thinking about it all, but I know that these moments of sleepless
nights are all going to pay off in the end.
though my love life is dead (which is depressing for a love addict), my social
life is nonexistent, and I pray every morning for an extra five minutes in my
day before I force myself out of the comfort of my queen size bed, I will NOT
give up until I get where I’m going. I’m determined to spend the next several
years busting my ass so that my daughter and I will be able to live the life we
deserve as Queens.
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