Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Back to the Regularly Scheduled Program...

I spent a lot of time avoiding Monday's rant, but let me tell you it was definitely needed! I asked all of you to submit your own rant to, and I must say I saw some really funny submissions! It's just too bad that most of them were too vulgar to share on the blog, but hopefully we can find someway down the line to make them work. 


In my short time on this earth, I have experienced a lot of joy and just as much pain. Some of the people that I have trusted the most have been the ones to cut me the deepest, and I found special friendships in some really unexpected places with unexpected people. I learned though, that there is a time when you have to let the past live in the past because otherwise that fear of that pain reoccurring can stop you from experiencing some the greatest things that life can offer.

I do not hate him, in fact, I don't hate anyone. Everything is life is a lesson and it's up to us to learn from it and avoid making the same mistakes. Forgive simply because hating someone only hurts you for holding on to so much negativity but never forget what each lesson has taught you.

Moral of the Story: Some people were put in your life to love you and some to leave you. Others were put in your life to bring you higher and some have the sole purpose of dragging you down and trying to break you, but in the end of it all you'll thank them all!


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