Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Reminder: It's Ok To Not Be Perfect

Sometimes I really do forget that I'm only 24 years old. I'm not sure if it's because I've finally grasped the concept of responsibility or if it's because I realize that my most important role now is being a role model to a sponge that mimics everything I do or say, but I am extremely harsh and critical of myself a lot. Because of this, some of the expectations and requirements I have of myself and where I should be in life causes me to feel like a failure or not good enough because I don't have it all figured out yet.

It doesn't help that my mother makes it a point to remind me of that whenever she can. "I'm not trying to upset you, but when I was your age," she'll  start as I mentally have to put up a wall to actually avoid letting her words get under my skin. She'll then go into a long drawn out story of being married, having a house, a career...blah blah blah! What she (and others that offer unsolicited advice) fail to realize is that I'm a single mom who works full time. I have the same responsibilities that they had at my age and unlike them the only person I can depend on is myself!

Why does that make me a terrible person because I refuse to just chase a regular nine to five corporate career or man? What they need to understand is that in addition to my child,  I have my dreams to chase!

MORAL OF THE STORY: DON'T try to fit anyone's mold of perfection. You'll figure out your purpose when you're supposed to and not when everyone else thinks you should! Live the life that feels good and makes you happy.


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