Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Stereotypes of A Young Woman Misunderstood

So I've been asked why I added to my plate by starting yet ANOTHER blog on to the list of everything I already have going on. To be honest, I tried to keep some things private because I didn't want to flood my readers with the failures of my failed relationship while I was trying to encourage others with the success I'm working to accomplish.

I got a few other bloggers to give me their honest feedback, and one blogger wanted me to give more and be honest with my readers, so that's when I created my tumblr.

Apparently I give the best relationship advice, which is why people still come to me for it, but I'm just flat out terrible at taking my own advice. I'm too stubborn, I always have to be in control, and I am definitely the worst human of life at communicating. Yes, even though I can create romantic poems, and books full of details and emotions, I can not communicate effectively.

I also wanted to address some of the feedback that I got from my male readers. It appears that I come off as 'man hating', or 'too independent', but the career and the family are all part of this dream that I'm chasing. I'm Latin, and if there was one thing my mother stressed to us is that at the end of the day we are all we have and need. Family is a major part of my life, and always will be my main priority.

Basically, this blog is to just go over the accomplishments, opportunities, mistakes, and lessons I learn from my business, my books, and blogs. My tumblr is to just let you guys know what makes me me.

Que Sera Sera....


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