Saturday, March 22, 2014

& With God For Me Who Can Stand Against Me?

I wear a lot of hats and to handle each role accordingly, I have to act a certain way for each one.
Lately, I've been so focused on the successful launch of my online store, CABAAD (coming 4/18!), that I have not had enough time to be in my feelings enough to really sit down and write anything personal. After all, my business decisions need to be made from a logical stand point and not an emotional one.
Well, someone just had to bring me out of my mood & now here we are.
I wanted to take a moment to share some light to everyone and not just those with the desire to hurt me or see me fail.
I do not consider myself a christian, nor am I affiliated with ANY kind of religion; however, I AM a believer in His word and that He is the truth and for that reason I AM highly favored and blessed. You can say all of the hurtful things you want, you can try to mess with my money, or any of my material possessions, but it doesn't phase me at all because it will come back bigger and better. See when I prayed for peace and joy He gave me that. When I accepted Him as my savior and the strength I needed to fight any war I realized that I had faith that was way bigger than the mustard seed that most need in order to find him. What that means for me is that there is NOTHING that ANY man on this entire planet can do or say that MY GOD can't turn around in my favor. I'll say that again in case it wasn't clear the first time: there is NOTHING that ANY man on this entire planet can do or say that MY GOD can't turn around in my favor PERIOD!
If you try to harm me in any way shape or form I whole heartily forgive you as soon as it happens. I'll even do it with a smile.  As a matter of fact, I feel more sorrow and pain for that individual than what they EVER could afflict on me. Why you ask? It's because I walk with Him personally that I know that nothing with the intent to destroy me is going to be prosperous. His word taught me to forgive as I would want to be forgiven, so I do. While someone can misconstrue my obedience for being a fool or stupid, I know that what I'm doing is the right thing. The peace of mind and the joy that he gives me for following his word tells me that I'm doing the right thing.
So I will boldly say this: If you kick me or knock me down I am going to get back up. Not only will I do that, I will also forgive you, pray for you, and be there to help you if you needed me to. He told me to love my neighbor as I love him. He told me to forgive my neighbor as I want to be forgiven on judgement day and I will. The ONLY thing anyone with the intent to harm me will accomplish is potentially ruining their blessings and helping the enemy overcome them. That's it.
I AM going to still knock these books, posts, and t-shirts out regardless of what ANY HUMAN on Earth has to say or what any human tries to do to stop it. I can't expect any one to accept my hustle because no one was given this dream and this vision but me. They say that the talent you're blessed with is His gift to you, & what you do with it is your gift to Him. With amazing as he is to me each and every minute of every day, I'll be DAMNED if I allowed anyone or anything to get in the way of that PERIOD.

P.S If this post was't personal enough for you, make sure to check out my tumblr for more.


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