Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sex and the Strong Women Who Get Weak Over It (My Valentine's Day Gift to You)

As many of you have noticed, the book is not yet available for purchase. Unfortunately, due to a wee bit of technical difficulty, it's taking a little longer to get this book out than originally planned. Anyway, I PROMISE that my team is on it to make sure the highly anticipated book is available as soon as humanly possible.

I'm going to keep you guys up to date with everything that's going on!

I appreciate your patience more than you will ever know.


I know you guys have been waiting on the snippet that's featured in the book because you have been telling me! For my Valentine's day gift I'm going to post a little present for you guys. In the first novel of the Charge it to the Game series, I gave just a taste of chapter one. Tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST, I'm going to post chapters 1 & 2 just for your added wait time! BTW, know that ya'll are very special because I don't get caught up in the hoopla of a commercial, made up holiday. That's why I wasn't going to give you guys anything originally LOL. Don't like it. That's OK, just Charge it to the Game :) 

*Love you all*


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