I'm Single - Not Lonely

When you're so serious about your man & only have eyes for him, you neglect all of the other men that also can't keep their ojos off of you.
What's weird (and annoying) about that is that once you've moved into that relief phase of a break up, you get this single woman stench that attracts men to you. That's when you'll be walking to your car and hear someone call out, "You. Aye girl, What up cutie?" (Really? I can't believe people still try that!) Or, you'll get men asking for your number randomly through out your day. I've gotten use to politely declining these kinds of advances from random strangers but rejections to people I actually know are a little harder.
For the sake of maintaining friendships I'm not going to list any specific examples, but fellas : single does not mean lonely & it DAMN sure doesn't mean desperate.
I have people constantly hitting me up to 'hang out'. Um HELLO: I'm a mom who works and owns a business. It took a lot of self discipline to get to this point, so I'm not interested in a man who is not willing to be productive with the hours that he was blessed with today.
After I reject the invitation to be unproductive by just sitting in someone else's house, I get invited to dinner, movies, blah, blah, blah. Maybe those tactics work with women who don't want to be alone, but what about those of us that really enjoy it?
I actually like knowing when I get a message or phone call that it's money or business related. I love looking at the clock and realizing that if it's outside of my business hours that I don't have to respond or even look at my phone if I don't want to. It's incredibly enjoyable to know that I do what I want, with who I want, when I want without having to answer any questions or worry about anyone else but Khlo and me.
So fellas: enticing a woman with a title in exchange for your drama may work on some, but there are woman like myself who are not in need of your time and affection. For us rare, but still living form of women, we are not impressed with your need to impress us with material possessions or invitations to call out of work just to chill.(YES LAWD someone actually tried it!) I'm happy by my damn self! I've been in a committed relationship with myself and I sincerely think that the reason it didn't work out with anyone else is because I was the one all along.
Moral of the Story: Sometimes a woman doesn't need a romantic lover. Sometimes the only thing she wants or needs is a man that she can call for his honest opinion, a mentally stimulating conversation, and a good laugh. That's it - no more or no less.
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