Friday, September 25, 2015

Charge It To The Game 2: Tammy's Story

How much would you risk if what you lost you had to Charge it to the Game

OK! I know my Charge it to the Game readers have been patiently waiting for the release of Part 2 because we get to get inside the story of every one's favorite character. Tamia Santiago is a pistol. You're either flat out in love with her, or you hate how much you love her. Either way, Tammy's got the juice!

I gave you guys a taste earlier in the year. In that snippet, I gave you guys the first two chapters. So for all of you guys who have been patiently (I use that word lightly cause judging by this inbox you guys aren't all that patient. Don't hate me - I'm just being honest) waiting. Get cozy, and prepare for the next chapter FOR FREE while you wait for the Fall release. (For those of you guys who haven't had enough coffee yet, I just gave you a hint on the release! If you want to make sure you don't miss your chance to pre-order, please subscribe to my newsletter today.)

Charge it to the Game 2: Tammy's Story
Chapter 3
“You’re nothing but an ungrateful b****! I brought you here from a third world country and showed you what life has to offer and this is how you re-pay me? You think you can come in here whenever you feel like and do whatever the hell you want and not have to answer to anyone,” the very upset Mariana screamed out at Tammy. 
“Just because you’re 16 now does not mean that you’re a grown woman and get to do whatever the hell you want. You have no idea how many children would wish to have the opportunities that you have and now you’re just throwing it all away.”
Although Tammy hated to admit when her mother was right, she knew that she was more blessed than most by her wonderful upbringing. Tammy and her family were the only minorities in the small gated community of Sweet Water that she lived in. At the age of 16, Tammy didn’t have to work because everything she had ever wanted was handed down to her, but Tammy didn’t like depending on other people and instead would do whatever she had to in order to survive on her own.
“You always told me to go out and get things for myself and that is exactly what I’m doing. It’s so hypocritical of you to judge how I want to make my money.”
“Stealing is not the way. I always taught you that if something was meant for you then it would be there for you when you had the money to buy it.”
“Come on mom. I don’t steal anything for just my personal gain. I cop a few products at work and flip them to put money in my pocket and I take care of myself so that way you can save a few extra dollas in your pocket. What’s the problem?”
“You better remember who the hell you’re talking to like that. I am not one of your friends or hoodlums. You are not going to disrespect me, and you will not talk to me in slang either. 
I raised you with some common sense so you can spare me with the idiotic vocabulary that you’re picking up from your ‘so called’ friends.”
Tammy had always been known as the Weave Queen. Although Tammy had natural long and curly hair, she loved making new wigs and helping other girls feel better by hooking up their hair. No one could touch her make-up and hair skills and instead of keeping the talent to herself she decided to use her talent to make her some extra money. 
She worked at a beauty supply store part time after school. During new shipments, she would only count a certain amount of the inventory that her store received and would make sure the rest was handled in her own business. 
“It doesn’t matter who my friends are because I’m always going to be me. The pay check that these people give me every two weeks is a joke, and what I’m doing is making me hundreds of dollas a day. How many adults do you know that are capable of making the kind of money that I’m making? I’m going to live the life I’m supposed to and I’m prepared to get it any way necessary.”
“So I guess that’s why you’re skipping school now too then huh? You don’t think I haven’t talked to your teachers who tell me that they are surprised when they finally get an opportunity to see your face in class. Almost all of your teachers agreed that because it’s obvious that you’re so intelligent neither one of them wants to fail you, but they will have to if you continue to not appear in class.”
“Those teachers want to tell me how to live my life but look what they’re doing. They work mad hours a week for a room full of unappreciative children and get a lousy paycheck. I really don’t see the point in wasting my time with school if that is what the outcome of their hard work equates out to. I’m doing what I love. I can spend money like crazy because it’s coming in faster than I can spend it. Why are you not happy that one of your kids is self-sufficient at a young age instead of trying to depend on you and ya man to take care of things for me?”
“It’s sickening to me that out of you and your brother, that you were the one to spend the least amount of time with your him, but you act the most like him. I moved you away from him and that lifestyle because I wanted more for you. I’ve told you many times about your father’s profession and you have seen firsthand how that impacts some of the people hooked on the products that he sells. You’re doing something like this, but it’s only a matter of time before this money becomes little to you and you’ll become greedy.”
“Ma I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again. I don’t agree with my father’s lifestyle and that is why he and I don’t deal with each other now. The man comes in and out of my life whenever he feels like it because his job seems to be more important than his family. I would never want to deal with him deeper because I know he’ll always choose that over me and I’ll never be that way myself,” she said with much confidence. “No matter what, my priorities are all together.”
“I get it. You’re young and dumb and think you know it all, but I can’t let your stubbornness put me into an early grave when I still have three other children to raise. I considered sending you to boot camp, but I know that is going to do nothing at all. You’re a smooth talker and will somehow manage to talk your way outta something that is supposed to benefit you, so I’m sending you to stay with your father for the summer. Maybe if you get a chance at what it is really like to be around him you will understand why I am the way that I am with you.”
Tammy and Mariana had always had a tumulus relationship. Tammy was Mariana’s oldest daughter, and out of all of her children, she was the most like her. Neither one of them wanted to be wrong or outspoken by the other one, and they were both stubborn enough to fight as long as they needed to in order to prove a point.
“You seem to forget that no matter what I am the adult and you are the child. I will no longer tolerate your blatant disrespect for what I am trying to raise you to be.”
Tammy was surprised that her mother would stoop to such a level because Tammy had always made it known that she had no desire to develop a relationship with her father.
“That man is dead to me and you know it! Why the hell would you ever think that it’s a good idea to send me to stay with him even if it’s only for a few months. I’m younger than you and I’ve made more money this year than you’ve made in your entire life and now you’re jealous,” Tammy said with a slight evil chuckle. “You want to tell me about life when you laying up in here waiting for the next nigga to take care of you instead of going out and getting your own. When you can –,” before Tammy could finish her sentence she felt the power of her mother’s right fist to her jaw.
“You think that just because you’re too old to get your a** whooped with a belt that you’re a woman now? Well since you want to play woman than I’m going to treat you and handle you like one. I refuse to let a b**** talk to me any kind of way and I damn sure won’t tolerate this s*** in my own house,” she said angrily.
“You should consider yourself lucky that I don’t ship you off to live with him permanently, but I need a vacation from you and your antics for a little while, and that’s why you are leaving tomorrow. Pack your bags. Your brother is going to take you to the airport in the morning. Ciao,” Mariana said as she stormed out of the room leaving Tammy there alone with her anger and frustration.
Tammy had never been to New York, and on different circumstances she would have been ecstatic to be spending her summer in the state that was known for its excitement and fashion, but she was not prepared to spend so much time with her father. Tammy hardly had many memories of him, but the ones that she did have of him were not pleasant. She had been within earshot and heard several nasty and hurtful conversations between her mother and her father, and blamed him for the issues that her parents had.
When Tammy was only 5 years old, her mother had remarried to her step father, Richard, and everything she knew had changed. Her mother had more children and moved Tammy and her siblings away from all of their friends and family in Boston to follow Richard’s job in Florida. 
Richard tried his hardest to build a healthy relationship with Tammy, but Tammy was not interested and she made it obvious. Because of the anger and animosity that she had felt about her mother’s decision to remarry, and having to live with Richard in a state she hated, she often would rebel just to piss them off. She would often break curfew, talk back, steal, and would get in trouble at school.
Normally when Mariana was pissed off with Tammy she would threaten her with the idea of either boot camp or moving to live with her father, but Tammy never thought her mother would actually have the heart to do it. 
“This is all my fault,” Mariana said as she stood over Tammy while she finished packing the last of her belongings. “I cared too much to give you the things I never had growing up and now it seems that you feel you are entitled to the life you’ve been given. It’s about time that you get the wakeup call that you deserve.”
Her mother didn’t show her any affection or kind words before she slammed the door shut once Tammy had all of her bags on the front door. 
Her flight was only two and half hours, but it seemed to be much longer than that to Tammy. All she could think about for the entire time was the money she was losing every minute that she wasn’t available for her clients. When the plane landed and she reached her destination, she exited the planes doors and went down to the baggage claim to retrieve her stuff. Once she had secured all of her belongings, she began to look around for her father. 
“This is crazy,” she thought to herself. “I don’t even know what this nigga really looks like in person.” 
After searching the crowd for what seemed like forever, she finally noticed three girls standing next to a sign that read “Welcome Home Tee.” She walked over in their direction with hopes that she could find her ride home.
“Welcome home Tee,” the girls said with much excitement when Tammy got closer to them. 
Tammy was normally very social and outgoing, but due to her current circumstance she found it hard to be as welcoming to these strangers as they were to her.
“Where is my father,” she asked coldly. 
“He’s at home waiting for you,” the short, petite one responded. “I’m Tanya,” she said cheerfully with a smile a mile long. “These are my sister. That’s my older sister Nina,” she said as she pointed to the tall, miserable looking one. “That’s our baby sister Tiffany,” she said pointing to the very large and round one. “Your dad asked us to come get you to hopefully give you some time to get used to being in the big city.”
“That’s great,” she huffed. “He hasn’t seen me almost all my life, and he didn’t even have the decency to come pick me up on his own. I’m sure this is going to be an interesting trip.”
“Shoot,” the round one spoke up. “I wish my daddy was yo’ daddy. I wouldn’t complain if I was you.” 
“That’s easy to say,” Tammy responded without bothering to look in her direction. “He isn’t your dad, so you don’t know what kind of father he actually is. Can we please just hurry up and get out of here? I’ve had a long day, and I just want to get where I gotta go.” 
None of the girls responded as they could clearly tell that Tee was annoyed and not in the mood for socializing. They all immediately gave into her request to cut the meeting short and headed home without saying another word. 
Tammy had only been in New York for a short while and was already experiencing a huge culture shock. Growing up in a wealthy area of Orlando, Florida, Tammy’s version of projects and hoods was much different than that of what she saw. People were friendlier and it was not uncommon to strike up a conversation with a total stranger, but people up north just seemed to be too busy and self-indulged in their own lives and problems to even offer a smile to someone walking by who might need it. 
“Your dad owns a few spots out here, but for some reason he chooses to live over here in Bedford-Stuyvesant,” Nina said as she parked the car. “Nobody calls it that out here though. We all just call it Bed-Stuy. Your dad lives in this building on the third floor. Go put your shit up and we’ll show you around.” 
“I’ll come up with you,” Tanya said. “You’re new here and I don’t want nobody thinking they can f*** wit you.”
Tammy didn’t want to be impolite but she wondered what kind of protection Tanya’s small a** would be able to offer her when she was not even five feet and maybe 100 pounds dripping wet. Instead of saying what she really wanted to reply, she just shook her head, grabbed her s*** and got out of the car.
The moment she opened the door she was greeted with loud sounds of music blasting from a few of her father’s neighbors. She glanced over at the place that would be her home for the next few months. She noticed all of the different flags hanging out from some of the windows, all of the kids playing in the middle of the street, and she even saw some old lady talking to herself and shaking her keys over her head as she walked down the block.  
“Your pops says you from Florida,” Tanya started. “I bet this is mad different from home.”
“You have no idea,” Tammy responded. 
“Brooklyn isn’t as bad as it looks or appears on the movies and T.V. It just takes some getting used to is all. Watch your stuff, don’t stare at no body, and if s*** pops off you didn’t see or hear nothing.”
Before they even made it up the stairs to the large building that her father lived in, a couple of boys called out at them from the bottom of the stairs.
“Ayo shorty,” one boy screamed out. “Come here let me talk to you.” 
Tanya turned around to see who was talking to them. 
“Damn. That’s Derrick,” Tanya whispered. “He’s fine, has money, and I heard his pipe game was crazy. You need to go talk to that one.”
Tammy didn’t take Tanya’s advice and instead continued walking up the stairs to go put her bags down. She entered the building without a code or being buzzed in as one of the neighbors was leaving the same time she was going in. From the instructions she got from her mother, she just went up to the third floor and knocked on her father's door.
Tammy had seen pictures of her father and her mother had told her several times of the large stature of her father’s frame, but she was surprised to see it for herself in person when he opened the door.
“Hey Tee,” he said as he grabbed her bags and suitcases that she had been carrying.
“What up,” she responded.
She followed him into his house and took a look around. She immediately noticed that her father wasn’t much of a decorator and no one would be able to tell from the place that he called home that he was supposed to be loaded with cash. 
“Through that door over there is your room. Make yourself at home. If you need anything just let me know.”
“Well I’m about to go with these girls to check out the city. I need a key and the code to get in when I get back.”
“Hell no,” he responded. “I always leave someone in my home when I leave so you don’t have to worry about not having a way in.”
Tammy thought it was weird that her father didn’t want her to have her own set of keys, but didn’t want to press the issue too much.
“Ok,” she said awkwardly. “I guess I’ll be going now.”
 “It’s different seeing you in person compared to your pictures.”
“You too,” she responded before leaving and closing the door behind her.
When Tammy made it back outside she noticed Tanya flirting with one of Derrick’s friends. Instead of joining Tanya, Derrick, and his two friends, she just walked over to the car that Nina and Tiffany were still sitting in. 
“Didn’t you hear me call you,” Derrick said with much of an attitude as Tammy passed him. 
“I’m sorry,” she said matching his attitude. “I didn’t realize you were speaking to me seeing as how Ayo or shorty are nowhere on my birth certificate.”
“You got a smart a** mouth,” he responded not changing his attitude.
“And you clearly don’t have any class and don’t know how to deal with a lady.” Tammy placed her hand on her hip. “Is this what the hell you were calling me over here for? If so, I got other s*** to do right now; I can play games with you later.”
“I was going to tell you that I thought you were sexy and I was thinking about getting to know you, but never mind now.”
“Oh how will I ever recover,” she asked sarcastically. Without another word, she left Derrick standing there to bask in his first real rejection. 
Tiffany and Nina got out of the car once Tammy finally made it back to where they were. Without waiting for their sister, the girls decided to just walk around and show Tammy the rest of the neighborhood.
“What was you and Derrick talking about,” Nina asked immediately.
“Not a damn thing. He tried to rap and I wasn’t hearing it,” she responded. “I’ve been hearing for the longest about some New York pizza and I’m hungry as s***. Let’s go get some.” 
“How,” Tiffany asked. “We don’t got no damn money.”
“Ya’ll don’t have a couple dollas to grab some food with. What the f*** ya’ll be doing out here?”
“Not all of us come from the same s*** you do,” Tiffany said with an attitude. 
“Let’s clear something up right here and now. Nobody takes care of me. I live with my peoples because I’m not old enough to go out and get my own s*** yet. Whatever dead presidents you see me with is because I f***ing earned them myself. I’ll buy y’alls cheap a** a slice. Just take me where I can get the best pizza.” 
They were halfway down the block when Tammy noticed another group of boys trying to get their attention from across the street. 
“Damn b**** that’s those niggas Jarrod and Jeremy. Let’s go talk to them.”
“Ya’ll can go. I’ll be right over here,” Tammy said. 
Without another word she watched the two sisters practically run across the street to see what the young men wanted. 
Tammy looked around and noticed the old woman who had been talking to herself sitting in front of the stoop staring at her. Once she made eye contact with the woman, she signaled for her to come closer. 
Tammy was naturally curious and had to go over there to see what the old woman wanted.
“Who the hell are you? I never seen you over here before,” she asked. 
“I’m Tammy,” she responded. “I’m just here visiting my father.”
The women’s eyes grew wide and her bottom lip dropped in amazement. She got up from the chair she was sitting in and hugged Tammy who stood there awkwardly waiting for the woman to get off of her. 
“Dios Mio,” she said in Spanish. “I haven’t seen you since you were a little baby. You mother, Mariana, and I used to be friends. We worked together on a yacht back home in Honduras as service attendants to rich men.” The woman caught on to the clearly confused look on Tammy’s face and thought it would be best to elaborate. 
“My name is Estrella Cruz, and get your mind out of the gutter,” she chuckled. “Rich men just seem to prefer beautiful women in bikinis making their food, drinks, and catering to their every request. Now don’t get me wrong some women fell prey to the money, drugs, and fast life and thought getting paid for sexual activities would get them a chance to be with some of those wealthy men, but instead they just passed them around until they got tired of them. I think that’s why your father, Lino, fell for your mother and why my sweet Lorenzo fell for me.” 
Just as it seemed like the woman was going to get deep into an interesting story, Tiffany and Nina walked up. “Stop telling that girl those lies you crazy a** old lady,” Tiffany yelled out angrily. 
“You always telling that same f***ing story, but my mama said that s*** can’t be true because you’ve been lonely and crazy as long as she’s known you.” Tanya, who finally managed to stop flirting long enough to join Tammy and her sister’s, joined in on the taunting. 
In the time that Tammy had been talking to the woman, she had heard an obvious Spanish accent, but once the girls came up her English became very hard to understand. “F*** you and your mother,” Ms. Cruz responded in a thick accent.
“Ir con tus amigo,” she then told Tammy with a snare. 
Tammy wanted to hear the rest of the story, but didn’t want to further aggravate her. Without saying another word, she did as she was told and turned to leave with them.
“Por ahora, vamos mantener este encuentro entre nosotros,” Ms. Cruz screamed out after they had walked off a good distance. 
The fact that she wanted to keep their meeting and conversation a secret just made Tammy even more curious about the strange woman she had just met. 
So! Let me know what you guys think! Are you still as excited to read it as I am to finally release it? Anyway, make sure you're signed up for the newsletter to find out when I'm going to be releasing another chapter of the book FOR FREE. 


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