Learn to See Me As Your Sibling Instead of Two Distant Strangers ( R.I.P Mike Brown)
Now my faithful readers know that I like to keep things light and fun around here, but I was always taught that there is a time to play and a time to be serious.As a woman who has personally contributed to the human race - I'm hurt.
As a mother who can't fathom the feeling of burying the child I gave life to - I'm devastated.
As a woman of color who has grown up knowing that this is nothing new - I'm FED UP
Mike Brown could have easily been my brother, my cousin, or my friend, but now he's just another statistic of men who die at the hands of those we trust to protect us. When do we all finally stop letting citizens with suites and badges overstep the law, and their power of what they took an oath to do? Their job as PUBLIC SERVANTS is to protect US (the people),and not to kill us off slowly.
I don't know what transpired because I was not there, but anyone with common sense would agree that shooting an unarmed man that many times was completely uncalled for.
Enough is enough DAMN it! This kind of stuff is just not OK anymore!
It's time that we come together and stop calling each other out on these idiotic challenges, and instead do something worthwhile!
I challenge each and every one of you reading this to contact Vernon Jackson on Facebook RIGHT NOW,
He is helping to create a really powerful movement called Building Powerful Minds.
- If you live in the Orlando area, then I challenge you to take your child, nephew, cousin, or neighbor or co-worker's child to be a part of something that is greater than all of us.
- If you DO NOT live in the Orlando area, then I challenge you to contact him so you can find out how to bring something like this to your community.
It's time we challenge our men to stand up and be the kings you once were again because there is no glory in living life as just a "real n*****". These boys need to see real MEN again, so they know what footsteps they need to follow.
Enough is enough damn it.
We need to get it together for each other, for our babies, and for our grandchildren because unless we learn to work together as a team, we'll continue to find ourselves on the losing side of any situation.
R.I.P Mike Brown & any other life that has been taken at the hands of those we foolishly trusted to protect us.
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