Better Celibate Than Sorry. SorryNotSorry About This Rant!
It is very hard to focus less on what my body wants naturally and more on what my mind needs spiritually. You have no idea how close you'll get to God on a journey like this. Shoot, if I'm wearing a dress and a cool breeze flaps by with enough intensity I have to bow my head in immediate prayer, so it definitely helps build a solid relationship with Him.
This is hard enough already, so I'm sick and tired of men who say they understand my journey turning right around to tell me how good their pipe game is. FOOL - I don't give a damn about that. I'm also sick of the men who tell me how they admire the strength it takes for a really strong, spiritual, and enlightened queen to act under the guidance of God more and less on society's standards of what's acceptable, yet they want me to come over during booty call hours just to 'talk about it in more detail'. While I was born at night, it damn sure was not last night! Run that game on someone else fool!
One man tried telling me that I was only 'doing this thing' because I haven't had any good sex before, and I should allow him to give it to me for a good 30 minutes. (PAUSE: I wouldn't tell anyone that what a quickie with my ex was like is your record time bruh. #ijs) I still don't know why he got all up in his feelings when I told him his small penis and endurance should sit down somewhere and try to get to know someone before making ridiculous assumptions. Too harsh? Oh well!
Anyway, the problem is actually that I know what A1 pipe game is (maybe that will answer some of y'all questions about my last situationship). Great stuff makes you lose all kinds of common sense, and I can't afford to lose anymore of that right now. I also can't afford to waste my time with men who think they could persuade a real woman out of her standards and morals. How the hell do you treat an 'enlightened queen' (their words - not mine) like the dummies you claim to hate? #BoyBye!
Moral of the Story:
Ladies: Hold on to your morals! A real man will be glad that you did.
Fellas: If the best thing that you have to offer a woman who has her entire life together is your pipe game - please take several seats so she can easily find the man who deserves her!
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