Day 3 : 90 Day Turn Around
I don't know about you guys, but Day Two's challenge was super hard for me. I had no idea that I had so many negative thoughts until I had to tally up how many squats I had to do. 110 squats later, I am determined to make sure that I don't have to have another day like I did yesterday.Well, that feeling was short lived. Someone tried my entire existence, and for a moment I not only forgot about this challenge, I also forgot that I am now a saved child of God.
Luckily for them, my faith allows me to bounce back real quick. To prevent me from giving into the desires of my flesh, I made a call to a friend of mine who helped me put things into perspective real quick.
"Keaidy," he started as he heard exactly how extreme my negative thoughts had turned to. "Leviticus 19:18 says you shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord."
Side note: You ever have someone give you some really good advice but the ignorant side of you momentarily wishes it hadn't heard it? Yeah that was me at that moment. I had to beg for forgiveness because I knew my thoughts were entirely too wrong. In fact, I went ahead and skipped squats and just had an intense 30 minute kickboxing session to get my flesh back in the position it needed to be. I'm being completely transparent with you guys because while we are doing this to get better, sometimes things get worst before that happens. Instead of just jumping ship because your went into the flesh for a moment ( in my case a whole hour) just put that thang back where it belongs. No matter what it looks like, you are better than your current situation - so rise above it and get back in position. (For the righteous falls seven times and rises again - Proverbs 24:16) This is just another reminder that I'm not a Christian because I can quote scriptures, but I'm a Christian because I realize I need Jesus every single minute of my life.
Anyway, building on what we've already been working on, I knew I needed to get my thoughts back into subjection. My work out didn't cut it, but talking about the word with my friend did help keep my mind off of my situation.
However, five minutes later my mind was wandering on the things I had just worked out, and I knew I needed to do something else fast, and that leads us to today's challenge,\
Day 3
The bible says, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall mediate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all hat is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." (Joshua 1:8)
So our challenge today is simple. Set the standard for your day this morning. As soon as you're done reading this, read Proverbs 28, and then every day for the rest of the challenge we are going to start in the book of Proverbs and since there is 31, we will read the one for that day. ( EX: Tomorrow is the 28th so we will read Proverbs 28). Afterwards, have a scripture that that you use while you're doing your squats, and try to mediate on that scripture several times throughout the day so that it doesn't have time to wander on the things it shouldn't be worried about.
You've got this ladies. You're amazing, and you are a conqueror! You betta act like you know who you are!
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