Wednesday, December 11, 2013

If You Don't Chase Your Dreams You Will Never Catch Them : 6 Tips of Small Changes That Offer Bigger Results.

Change never occurs overnight. Trust me because I've been very guilty in the past of being one of those people that quits when I don't get what I want when I want it.

In the last several months, I've found that the old saying is true, "when you fail to plan - you plan to fail". Learning to set goals that were reasonable and visible was a difficult task originally, but like everything else I had to: practice-practice-practice!

Goal setting is not as hard as it may seem. It really didn't take much effort to turn those vivid dreams into short term and long term goals. First, you take a task that you really want to accomplish and set a reasonable time that you think it will take to complete it (for example: my task is to finish book # 2 before I turn 25 in February). Once you've set a major goal, then you break it down into little ones (example: I have approximately 9 more chapters left to finish my novel. In order to finish by my deadline, I have to complete three chapters every month.) Now take it one step further and break that smaller task into an even smaller tasks (example: I will set a daily amount that needs to be written in order to accomplish my goal).

That wasn't so bad right? Now once you've got everything figured out, you'll wan't to do little changes that will help you accomplish not only the long term goals, but those tiny ones in between also.

  1. Use a calender.  Put it someplace that you're going to see if EVERYDAY. It helps to see it everyday so you never lose the urgency to complete what you've started.
  2. Become Better at Managing Your Time: Set deadlines and follow them! Take things a step further and put a time limit on your deadline and adhere to that also.
  3. Start Using a To-Do List: We might still be young, but you know the mind is the first thing to go so learn to not rely only on it so much starting from now. Download a free app and allow it to help you stay on task.
  4. Batch Similar Things Together and Prioritize: Put it in order of the most important things first, and try to accomplish as many tasks as you can at one time so you can start working on something else.
  5. Learn to Say No:  It's further down on the list, but it's just as important as #1. Being a mom myself I know that we often will take on more than we can chew, but it's important to remember that you can't do everything on your own. Your To-Do list is JUST as important as everyone else's. 
  6. Eliminate Time Wasters: I'm talking about Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, my personal vice, Vine, and friends. Yes even those hangout pals that you spend all your time with, but you never seem to accomplish anything when they're around have GOT to go also. Either they want you to make it or to fail - there is no in between. If they are not contributing to your success than they will only help you to your demise. Let them go. 

Moral Of The Story: "Change is the essence of life; be willing to surrender who you are for what you could become". Set goals and follow them, after all, goals are just your dreams and desires with a deadline. If you don't chase your dreams you will never catch them. 


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