Friday, December 06, 2013

Balloons, Candles, Cake, Oh My!

I can't believe it! My little Princess is going to be another year older! I never fathomed these three years would have flown by the quickly as they have. 

Three years ago,  I went through hell just to get her into this world, and today I'm going through hell to please her for her special day.

After months of being miserable from being stuck on bed rest,  and eating a salt less hospital diet,  I still had to spend three days strapped to a hospital bed for endless amounts of tests.  After my doctor determined that my blood pressure was  dangerously high for too long (142/92), she made the decision to induce me.

I spent 26 hours in labor with a baby who was eager and anxious to see the world and make her mark,  but no matter how much I wanted to push my body was just not ready.  Despite wanting to deliver her naturally, I knew if I did not get pain medication I just wouldn't have the energy to push her out when the time finally came.  Thanks to my 'luck' I had a HORRIBLE experience with the epidural. I became severely nauseas and the constant involuntary shivering I experienced didn't make it any better.  My body temperature shot up and my doctor began to talk about a possible C-section. 
I pleaded for a little more time and luckily for me she obliged.  Finally feeling my sense of urgency my body opened up allowing me to finally start the process.

After 15 minutes of pushing I was exhausted. The moment I saw my beautiful,  wide eyed baby smile at me for the first time as I held her all of my obstacles and triumphs felt small and obsolete.

Fast forward to three years later: "Mom please don't forget the cake,  candles, or the balloons," she reminds me each day before her big day arrives. "Oh," she'll exclaim as she thinks of more things to say.  "Don't forget my friends,  food,  and presents. It's my birthday and has to be perfect!"

MORAL OF THE STORY: Enjoy the golden year of silence because once they start talking you are going to wish you did lol!


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