Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Selfishness & Selflessness: A Beautiful Combination When Done Right

 This week's #WordsOfWisdomWednesday is not my original words, but when I read it I just knew I had to share it.

Often times as busy mothers we put the needs of others before the needs of ourselves. While this is a beautiful thing to those around us, when do we become a priority in our own lives?

I follow Jada Pinkett Smith on Facebook, and she shared the following open letter with her followers which I found to be a beautiful way to describe why it's important that we find that very important balance:


"I think I am finally getting a grasp of the balance between selflessness and selfishness. That's right... selfishness. It gets drilled in our heads from birth the importance of selflessness, and we are rarely shown the importance of the mature, responsible methods of selfishness. We have been so conditioned that even the word selfishness is too distasteful to some of us to even examine its methods and benefits. But I am here to tell you that just because we are mothers, wives, partners, daughters... women, we are not wrong for wanting to pursue things that are fulfilling to ourselves solely. The same stands for our fathers, husbands, partners, sons... men. Our personal happiness is the gift we give to ourselves, that is the elixir to enhancing our contribution to any group we choose to be apart of. You might want to call it something different, but take a moment to see where putting YOU first, could do you some good.

As RuPaul would say, “If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I hear an amen?” 




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