Thursday, May 01, 2014

At Times Even the Most Independent Woman Just Wants a Good Man She Can Depend On.

I dream big, and even more importantly I work hard to achieve those visions that come to me so vividly. I'm not satisfied with just getting by, I want to LIVE and enjoy every second of my life. When I get there after all of the sacrifices that I'm making now I know it's going to be worth it. The hard part is when those sacrifices that are sometimes made without a single thought become the only thing I can think about.

I got another publisher rejection letter and into a car accident in the same hour. Talk about bad luck.

I thought I felt fine, and then I got home to lay down, and could not get comfortable. I tossed, and turned, and came to the realization that the only thing that would really make me feel better at that exact moment was a few good beers, an action or comedy movie, and someone else to make my spacious townhouse not be so empty.

I never got either of those things.

I woke up the next morning, and thank God the dreadful feeling I had felt the night before was finally gone.

All I could think about was going through my day to come home & write. I never thought it would be so painful to strike each key as I release some of the frustration that I've been holding in, but I know it would hurt even more to allow these these thoughts to just sit stagnant.

Just like that awful feeling, the loneliness that comes with it, and this pain - they will fade, and I'll be left with another great story and the determination and nothing but time to finish it.

Moral of the Story: Change what you can and just accept what you cant, and even if it hurts  do it with a smile :)


  1. I'm a single mom with a full time work and a full time school schedule! I know exactly how it feels to be completely depleted at the end of the day feeling like your lonely and misunderstood. Keep your head up. It's only temporary. Remember, "This too shall pass!"

  2. Thank you. Sometimes it's hard to see that in the hustle and bustle that is our life, but those little reminders do help. Thanks for the comment and checking out my blog. Good luck to you and God bless.


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