Monday, May 12, 2014

If Nothing Lasts Forever Then What Makes Love The Exception?

Love is a beautiful thing when it's done with the right person. It's too bad that I've never had enough sense to pick the right ones.

He was the worst, yet the best I ever had at the same damn time.

He had taken every amazing quality I liked in a mate and every negative trait that I had ever denied about myself and dressed it into a really good looking mess.

He brought out some of the craziest emotions out of me and with that brought my poetry.

I had found myself lost and confused in a battle with my mind and my heart. I documented that exhausting battle in my first poetry book, The Chronicles of a Love Addict - A Collection of Poems From a Love Junkie.

Starting today and for this week ONLY get your copy for only $0.99! 


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