Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sometimes The Lord Uses Your Pure Heart to Warm A Cold One...

My name is Keaidy Bennett & I'm a love addict.

Of all of the men that I could have finally chosen to really love, I would choose the one who was unattainable.

I originally thought that maybe his hard to catch demeanor and rough attitude was because he, just like me, didn't want to get hurt again.

Through the stories he had shared with me it was obvious that he had seen his share of disappointment and pain with those before me, and that made me even more determined to show him that we weren't all the same.

I didn't mean to fall in love. Honestly, I was at a point in my life where love was the last thing I wanted in my life. I had built up walls around me because I didn't want to give anyone the chance to get close to me again. I didn't want or need that kind of foolishness in my life for a while, but slowly and surely I brought down the same walls I had built up so that I could show him that it was OK to trust me.

Once I found myself defenseless without any armor to shield me from the one man who had the power to crush the one thing I had tried so desperately to protect, I found myself alone in the middle of a nasty battlefield. My mind reminded my heart of what happened the last time we stood in this same gruesome scene, but my heart longed for his so no matter what amount of distance or time we placed between each other I always found my way back to him.

The ups and downs, the highs and lows, I hated them all, but while he was my poison that kept sucking the life out of me, he also seemed to be the very thing that gave me life. Through the pain and confusion of the vehement relationship with him came such beauty with the poems that I created to help desperately cling to the little bit of sanity that I had left.

Moral of the Story : There is beauty to be found in even the bleakest situations. Your pain doesn't need to be your prison as long as your mind remains open. 

Make sure to grab your copy of The Chronicles of a Love Addict - A Collection of Poems from a Love Junkie which is only $0.99 for this week!


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