Friday, June 06, 2014

I Love Two People - Who Do I Choose? (Reader Question)

I'm stuck between two girls. They both are hot, are smart, and have jobs, so I don't know which one to pick. How would you choose between two ppl you love?

Loved this question. I actually loved it so much that it's going to inspire some upcoming posts on the blog. Make sure to check out for them next week.

Now back to the matter at hand, to be 1000% honest everything about your question tells me one important fact about you: you're selfish.

Now it's me telling you this, so it's ok (for now). I myself can be a very selfish person. In fact, it's one of my many flaws, but love cannot prosper where selfishness exists.

I'm having a hard time getting one person to love me & here you are practically boasting about having two. I can't tell you which woman to choose, especially if to you they are damn near perfect, but I can tell you what will happen if you choose selfishly. The woman you do choose will end up giving you the love you already expect from her, and you'll subconsciously expect her to do everything else that woman #2 was offering you also. That poor woman will eventually deplete herself of every positive quality she once brought to the table, and once you're done with her she will end up being just another heartless bitch who becomes a serial friend zoner. Even if you never had the intention of hurting her, you will.

Sadly we all seem to have this poor belief about love and what it actually is. Love is seeing the deepest, darkest, dustiest part of another human being's soul & having every reason to jump ship but choosing not to abandon them anyway. So instead of wondering who you should choose based off of what each woman has to offer, you should consider :

  1. Which woman do you actually love?
  2. What do you have to offer the woman you choose?
A relationship should be a partnership. Where one is weak the other is strongest; you both complement each other. I challenge you to not look at areas where these women are perfect, but to look where these women's imperfections show through. Which ones can you live with, a what areas can you hold down for her? 
If you make you decision based off of that, and you both work hard to remember these things each and every day despite the fact that some days will be really, REALLY hard - you won't chose the wrong one. 


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