Thursday, June 05, 2014

Because I Can Do Whatever the Hell I Want!

I'm a Latin woman & I think it's in my DNA to at times be really indecisive. 

With that being said, I have made quite a few changes with the book.

When I originally wrote the poems I was in a dark place. I was in the middle of battling with my heart and my mind. I had said I love you to men before him, but for the first time in my life I felt I actually meant it. I felt like I really knew what it was, so how could it not be the same for him? That left me hurt and confused and it showed through my work. When I put the book together I was still in a dark place, so naturally my book displayed that. Thanks to the feedback I've received I've added a final chapter, and I even changed the front cover. 

To everyone who has purchased a copy on Kindle, according to them your copy should as well be updated. If you have any issues please CONTACT ME 

To everyone who has purchased the paper back edition: PLEASE CONTACT ME! I WILL be mailing everyone who e-mails me a confirmation of their order an updated copy, signed by me, with a little gift enclosed.

& If you didn't already have your book NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO GET IT! You won't have to worry about me switching up anything anymore because I am finally seeing that my indecisiveness can get kind of expensive really quick lol. 

**Don't forget each purchase of my new book goes towards helping other young, single, moms who are chasing babies and dreams also (For more information see 'Help Me Help You' above. 

OH & PS: To those of you who came yesterday for the reader Q&A and didn't find one - I seriously scheduled mad posts for this month with the exception of that one. I'm usually careful to avoid those kind of mistakes but I did & you'll find the Q&A on tomorrow's post instead.



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