Monday, July 07, 2014

Ruin is a Gift. Ruin is the Road to Transformation (Reader Question)

I guess it's a gift and a curse to have readers that are so attentive to what I have going on. One of my readers on my tumblr asked me:

Loved the book but why does the blog contradict what you wrote? What's going on?

Like any addict with an addiction to something, giving up my problem was much easier said than done. I relapsed a few times and gave into my hearts desire to be close to the one thing that left me full and empty all at the same time. Then someone who actually has battled their own form of addiction reminded me that relapsing is just a temporary cure for a permanent problem. Having to admit that my 'soul mate' was a problem in my life and not the cure wasn't easy, but it was necessary to get me where I'm going to go.

relapsed about a month ago and while I hate myself for doing that, it was exactly what I needed to do. Going back to him and realizing that no matter how much space or time we put between each other made it easier to actually move on this time.

As hard as this whole thing has been with him I have learned several valuable lessons. For example, soul mates really do exist. It's not something that my fellow author did just to give us a false sense of hope. What I also learned is that they are not there for us to stick around with forever. Their job is to expose to us of the ugly traits we have so that way when the right one comes along he/she won't have to deal with someone who is still damaged from previous relationships. Instead, that person will find someone who has been rocked so far to the core that they've been rebuilt the way they were meant to me. The next man who finds me will find a God fearing woman, a dedicated mother, and an ambitious business owner and author (SCORE).

Losing him isn't what really hurt. What really hurt was having to get rid of the expectations of what I wanted from him, and once I let go of each and every one of them - I was free. 


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