Monday, October 06, 2014

Charge it to the Game - An Urban Fiction Novel

My lovelies we are only 5 days away from the release of the urban fiction novel you guys have only been hearing about since forever!

This has literally been such an amazing experience for me. It hasn't always been easy, but to make it to this moment makes everything worth it. Now thanks to my failures in some of my business moves I am finally here.

I really want to thank every single one of you that has been so supportive throughout this entire journey. Whether is was a few kind words, an inspirational email/text/phone call/tweet, or simply doubting my ability to be great - THANKS!

Don't forget to pre-order your copy to get it at the introductory price of only $2.99 USD for the ebook. (Paperback will be available on 10/31 for $14.99 USD)

For all my dreamers - this book is for you! I love you all xoxo


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