Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bad Girls Ain't No Good, but the Good Girls Ain't No Fun....

Who am I? How is Keaidy the mom supposed to act?
Those were just a few questions that I constantly asked myself after becoming a new mom. It was already hard enough to make the transition while dealing with PPD, but the more I talked to other women the more that I saw these kinds of questions females were asking themselves. Before I had Khloe I worked hard and went to school, but I partied harder than anyone else I knew.
“A party ain’t a party ‘til I walk in.” That was my motto and those who had been out with me before knew that statement to be true. Even if I wasn’t the host of the party I could not stand to see anyone there and not having a good time. I could outdrink some of the best of them, and when they asked me how I was capable of drinking so much so fast while keeping it all together I always answered that since I was fully Honduran that talent probably came from somewhere down the bloodline.
In my first post I shared with you guys that when I found out I was becoming a mom my thoughts were selfish because I thought my life was completely ruined. I immediately wondered who I was supposed to be now that I could no longer be Keaidy B ‘the life of the party’ girl anymore.
I’m realizing now that I’m always going to be the party girl, but I’m just now the life of a new kind of party. I’m now the life of tea parties, dance parties, and spa parties with my baby girl and her friends. Like always, I have to make sure that everyone is having a good time and no one ever feels left out. Now don’t misconstrue this post, I can still go out and party with my peers, but I just can’t party as hard, as long, or as often as I use to be able to. As a mom it is important AND HEALTHY that we get those breaks away from our daily duties, get dolled up, and have some stress free fun with peers our own age.
I‘ve heard it all before. When I spend too much time with my kid people assume I have no life or that I am preparing my daughter to be a mama’s girl or ‘hip baby’. If I spend a couple baby free nights out downtown or in the club people then wonder what kind of mother I could possibly be and how I manage to make any time for my kid. Want to know my response to those people? Screw those people and there extra free time that gives them any time to worry about what kind of mom I am or how I possibly spend MY free time. At the end of every day when I make my decisions only two opinions matter – my own and MY opinion of what is in the best interest of my kid. That’s it! If you don’t like the way I live – don’t associate with me. If you can’t stand how I spend my free time – stay off of my social circle. I spend so little free time with anybody that NO ONE should have enough information about me to form a single opinion about the life I live.
“You ain’t paying my bills so you ain’t saying nothing,” will be my motto until the end. Everyone is going to have an opinion, but I don’t have to let other’s people’s perception of MY life be my reality. I am able to protect, provide, and give my daughter a life she deserves while finding a healthy balance that keeps me sane and happy in OUR reality – that is all that matters J

Moral of the Story: As cheesy as it is my motto from this story came from the ending quote in catwoman because she said it perfectly. “Sometimes I'm good. Oh, I'm very good. But sometimes I'm bad, but only as bad as I wanna be. Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is the gift that I've been given, and so my journey begins.”


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