Friday, August 09, 2013

Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For

I have been so busy writing two business plans, two novels, speaking with my creative team about my logo and website design, deciding inventory for my e-store, registering for school, and registering the baby girl for day care that it has been crazy in my household. I also had to keep up with my mommy duties and still make sure to have fun time with the little one so sadly my posts has fallen back burner to all the other excitement going on, but luckily it won’t be for much longer!

I deleted my personal Facebook page for less than 24 hours and it also deleted my Young, Single, and Fabulous Mamas page and my beauties were so concerned that I received e-mails, text messages, and phone calls asking about my decision to get rid of my page. NO my blog and page are not going ANYWHERE! I’m actually in the process of making a new Young, Single, and Fabulous Mamas page so that way I can delete my personal Facebook account.

I made the decision to do that once I realized that I spend way too much time going through it when I have so many other things of more importance going on in my life. Those who know me know that I’m very nosey so even though my personal page is filled with drama, he-said-she-said, and everything else in between it sometimes is a good way to pass my time, but I now realize that my nosiness cuts out of my productivity time. I’ve spent so many years of my life trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it that now that I know I’m tired of wasting time on anything that is no longer beneficial to me or my KoKo.

As soon as the new page is complete you all have to go add it to keep up with everything and those of you who are not yet following will need to understand that besides my blog, and twitter account, that will be the only way anyone will be able to keep up with me, my life and what I’m doing J

Moral of the Story: If it’s not contributing to your success than all it’s doing is holding you back! Get rid of the stuff weighing you down so you can be free to fly <3 


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