Monday, August 12, 2013

Little Changes That Make A Big Impact

Life Secrets and Tips

*I found these late one night on a blog written by Jordan Lejuwaan. I made the decision to try at least half of the 50 tips he suggested and it was honestly one of the smartest decisions I have ever made. Here you’ll find my list of what advice I took from him and why I appreciate learning the lesson. When you have the time you really should check the page out and see what other suggestions I didn’t try and try them yourself!
1. Memorize something every day.                                                                                          Why not have an array of random information that you can one day pass on to the little one. Quotes and poetry lines are my favorite J
2. Reduce your attachment to possessions.                                                                              When it’s all said and done you’re not going to be able to take anything with you anyway! Focus on the things that really matter and stop letting your possessions own you.
3. Live in THIS moment.                                                                                                 “Even 10 minutes ago is the past. If you live purely in this moment you will always be happy because there is nothing wrong in this split-second.”
4. Smile more often.                                                                                                                It is possible to MAKE yourself happy. When you smile your brain releases the happy hormone serotonin which will make you feel happier. Besides being good for you, a smile is contagious and you’ll be passing the good feelings on to someone else. It’s a double win J
5. Don’t take life so seriously.                                                                                                  When you find yourself stressing over something ask yourself, “will this matter in 5 years” If the answer to the question is no, then why are you letting it affect your present moment? Enjoy every moment you have on this earth because many were not blessed to be here with us today.       
6. Think positive thoughts.                                                                                                    It all goes to the law of attraction; if you constantly have negative thoughts then you will attract that to your life.
7. Read books.                                                                                                                        It’s a free and easy way to escape. Not to mention, you can find some valuable lessons and tips in them.
8. Get in the sun.                                                                                                                      I took this advice a step further and challenged myself to spend at least 30 minutes outside every day. Back in my day (God, that makes me feel old! Lol) I was outside from sun up to sun down! Now days, kids are too busy inside losing brain cells with technology instead of exploring the world around them. My kid and I will go running, swimming, walking, or exploring every day. It’s a great way to bond with them, get some vitamin D, and exercise. What are you waiting on?
9.  Sleep less.                                                                                                                        “The ‘required’ 8 hour/night is for normal people. If you’re reading THIS article on THIS site, you are not normal. So figure out how much sleep YOU really need and adjust accordingly. As enjoyable as sleep is, waking existence is much more fulfilling and efficient.”  I function better when I get 4 ½ to 5 hours of sleep. If I sleep any more than that I feel lazy and sluggish the next day. Find out the amount you need and use it!
10. Figure out what your goals and dreams are.                                                                      Life felt so much more purposeful and rewarding the day I figured out why I was placed on this earth and why God still wakes me up every day. We all have a purpose. Take a moment to figure out what yours is and live it. One of my favorite quotes to live by: “ Follow your dreams or you’ll spend the rest of your life working for someone who did.”
11. Start your day off right.                                                                                                    Every morning my munchkin and I start it off by screaming, “THANK YOU JESUS FOR THIS DAY.” We’ll yell it out in different accents and tones and it starts our day off happy, grateful, and with a smile and a few laughs.
12. Utilize ‘The Burning Method’.                                                                                            The first time I did this was New Year’s Eve a few months after a significant life change for me. I wrote his name down and the negative thoughts and feelings he brought to me and my life and then I burned it. I immediately felt better, and I stopped thinking about it afterwards. TRY IT!
13. Learn to be unaffected by the words of others.                                                                                                                     Two of my favorite quotes go here:
1.       “If they ain’t paying my bills than they ain’t saying nothing!”
2.       “A lion doesn’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.”
14. Develop the ability to forgive.                                                                                                                                                                I have five quotes that I learned to live by after reading this:
1.       “If we really want to love we must learn to forgive” – Mother Theresa
2.       “Forgive others as quickly as you would want God to forgive you.”
3.       “Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are.”
4.       “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
5.       “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
15. Visualize daily.                                                                                                                  “It has been said and proven time and time again that what you focus on is what you get.” Spend time daily focusing on what you want and what you are working towards. Don’t only think about it but see it and see yourself in what you really want.
16. Learn to control your mind.                                                                                       Learn to flush out negative thoughts so your brain only has time to focus on positive ones and your dreams J
17. Learn to control your emotions.                                                                             NEVER give anyone else the power to make or break you. Don’t become affected by words and actions of others and you will find out just how strong you really are.
18. Do what you love.                                                                                                              I’ve said it before, but spend your life doing what you love and the money will chase you. Don’t spend your life only chasing the money.
19. Choose your friends wisely.                                                                                                “Make sure the people around you are conducive to the lifestyle you want to lead or you will find yourself being dragged again and again into behavior that distances you from your desires.”
20. Don’t burn bridges.                                                                                                           You never know when you might need help from someone so just make sure to treat others like you want to be treated.
21. Learn to trust your intuition                                                                                              22. Be the person that makes others feel special.
23. Set aside a specific time to worry each day.                                                                       I set a timer for an hour daily. In that hour I ponder on my issues. Another one of my favorite quotes is, “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” Instead of using that full hour to focus on negative thoughts, I will think about it briefly then take a nap and wake up refreshed and recharged. 
24. Help others
25. Love is all there is
“If you truly want to be a master of live, let love be in your every action. Love your friends, family and enemies alike. If you accomplish this, you will be seen as a leader among everyone that allows hate, envy, disgust and all other negative emotions into their lives. Think Gandhi. Love is so rare in this world when compared to the massive presence of hate that by exuding love, you will immediately see yourself and the people around you chance. Love. Love. Love. “


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