Friday, December 27, 2013

Give Yourself The Best Gift You Can: Happiness

Love will REALLY make you do some crazy things! I can't even begin to tell you guys some of the horrific nightmare changes I've made just for the sake of being with someone else. A very important lesson I've learned while spending this time alone is that you should NEVER sacrifice who you are just for the sake of having a marital status change.

Love is a beautiful thing when done with two people who want it just as bad as the other. Real love and relationships are not going to be easy and will require both personal growth and growth together as one unit. The more that I understand this and what I'm willing to tolerate and willing to give up for the one that I love and the one who will one day love me back, the more I realize that there are a few things I refuse to live with and a few things I refuse to live without. After all, we accept the love that we think that we deserve. (so if you are not happy in the relationship that you're in then it's time to check your price tag!)

We are all unique and it is just as important to embrace your beautiful and amazing traits as it is to embrace your flaws. You have to live life with faith knowing that someday someone is going to come in and not only love the good, but also the bad and the ugly.

DO NOT live a mediocre love life or accept a love less than you want or desire just for the sake of not being alone. I promise you that in the end the rewards will be much greater than you could have ever dreamed.

Moral of the Story: Find the one who loves even the deepest, darkest, and dustiest part of your soul. Find someone who is willing to love you as much as you are willing to love them. After all that you've been through, you deserve nothing less than your fairy tale ending. 


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