Monday, January 20, 2014

Don't Show Up When I Blow Up...

When you focus on negativity – more negativity follows after it. When you focus on the positive – more positive changes come with it. With that being said, I avoided saying something that’s been bothering me for a while simply because I was trying to avoid speaking anything negative, but I’ve learned that the sword of words you swallow hurts more and cuts deeper than the right words you let fly out when they are needed.
Those who have known me know that writing = life to me. I started writing and expressing my emotions, fears, wants, and desires that I’m usually to unemotional to express otherwise. Like a painter with a brush or a director with a camera, I allowed people to freely get a glimpse inside my inner most thoughts by forming words together to paint pictures, create a movie, and stir emotions out of my readers. It took me just a few years shy of two decades to learn that the ability to do what I can is a talent and a gift. To be a writer is the whole reason I was put here.
Once I found out the reason why I wake up every day, I sincerely expected those who witnessed my fight with myself to find my purpose to be more supportive of my work and progress to success. After all, I have been known to show up to events, purchase and promote just to show support to those around me that have the desire to chase their dreams. Yet every time I post, I share it on my Facebook and encourage my ‘friends’ to like, share, or comment. What’s doesn’t make sense  to me is that those same ‘friends’ will stop and ready my post, some will even send me a message telling me how my story helped them, or how much they enjoyed it, but won’t take the time to express that with others. Instead of sharing or actually liking it so that someone else might be able to see it, they keep the advice that I share and all of my hard work to themselves.
Now don’t get me wrong, I still have my faithful readers, supporters, and followers, but it is just crazy to me that my biggest supports are those that I least expected it from: old friends I haven’t talked to in years, High school acquaintances, and STRANGERS . Someone I have never met in my life will stop to talk to me in person, or will share my post and inquire about my other work.
It’s a tough lesson to learn, but it’s true what they say: they want to see you doing good, but just never better than them.
Moral Of The Story : If you support me - I fucks with you & if you dont -fuck you! Period. Watch me work & dont show up when I blow up bxtchez!


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