Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What's The Point Of Having A Mind If You're Not Going To Speak It When You Need To?

              I’ve been called a pistol, tough cookie, know-it-all, heartless, cruel bitch simply because I use my mouth as my weapon of choice.  Without curse words or even a disrespectful name, I can use my words to cut someone deep if I feel attacked by that person at all. I appear heartless because when provoked I will speak without thinking first.
                While it shows strength to be able to defend yourself without having to physically touch someone, I’ve learned that the true strength comes from knowing when to use it. After all, any fool can speak freely but a wise person recognizes the power in their silence.
                The only problem I’ve found with that is that most people like to confuse silence as a weakness instead of recognizing just how strong of a person you have to be to know when to shut the hell up.
                In my change for a better me, I’m learning not only to control my anger but also my mouth. I will no longer allow myself to be a prisoner or fool to my anger and instead I will think before I speak (because I am no longer apologizing for what makes me happy). I will tolerate a lot of things because as I become happier with myself, my life, and the journey I’m on the less I worry about someone else and what they have going on. While I am willing to ‘turn the other cheek’ on many things, disrespect has never and will never be tolerated! So if you find yourself on the other end of my dangerous mouth piece, to put it frankly, you absolutely deserved it!

MORAL OF THE STORY: To get where we are going it’s going to require a lot of patience, understanding, and self-control. It’s learning to not allow yourself to become a victim to your own faults. Learn what your problem areas are and improve it so that it becomes one of your greatest strengths!


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