Thursday, January 16, 2014

Because All the Bad Girls Are Always Unapologetic

Now my faithful readers who still come to my page even when I didn't post last week or earlier this week can tell I've clearly been slippin'! Typically, this would be the part where I would thank you for your dedication to the blog (BIG THANK YOU! I really appreciate each and every one of you!), and go into a list of apologies for all of the things that kept me too busy to work on the blog I love so much. If you've read my New Year's post, you notice I said that there were a few things I was going to change about myself. My first one is a huge change for me: I'm no longer apologizing for anything that makes me happy!
The life of a writer is pretty complicated to be so simple. We are always either writing or just thinking about writing. While I was on my hiatus, I finished book #2 almost a month before my original dead line. So while I would have loved to update my beauties on how excited I was for accomplishing another large task while starting on book #3, I didn't feel it. I enjoyed my break - hell I fucking earned it! In addition to all of my blog posts, I've written almost 500 pages and over 120,000 words in less than 365 days! I gave my brain a well deserved break to do nothing more than it had to!
I love and appreciate all of you -- I really do. I'm just not apologizing to anyone anymore regardless of who you are because I just don't feel like it. I'm going to live my life in a way that I won't have to apologize to anyone. If I said something crazy it's because at that time I meant it. If I do something crazy (not uncommon in my world) I felt justified at the either roll with me or you don't - plain and simple.

Moral of the story: We already have so many responsibilities and requirements that drain us daily, so do something today that is going to make you smile, bring you happiness, or make your future better. If it doesn't hurt anyone and it makes you happy then do it despite what anyone thinks or feels. It's your life; live it how you want to with no regrets or apologies needed

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this! This is an important message, don't try to follow the herd, each person is unique and that is how great things happen, when someone follows their dream, even if no one else understands.


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