Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Energy & Determination Conquers ALL Things

Super excited to say that the fabulous Charlotte that shared her story on my blog earlier this month has allowed me to be a guest writer on her blog. Here is a little snippet of what you will find on her amazing blog.

I’ll spare you the details of what thoughts run through one’s mind when their child is hungry and growing out of all of their clothes, and one has no idea where their next dime is coming from, but I can promise you that I wouldn’t wish that even on my worst enemy.
My bills didn’t stop needing to be paid even though my income had completely vanished and I had absolutely no one that I could possibly depend on. Rent, utilities, and a hungry child kept me moving and doing some things that I’m too embarrassed to even think about much less talk about with another human just to survive.
The thoughts that filled my mind day and night were unbearable. It became so overwhelming, that the only way I could silence everything was to write.

That’s when was born.

This weeks #WordsOfWisdomWednesday can be found on her blog,  & make sure to download her E-Book while you're there!


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