Friday, April 25, 2014

"Do Not Correct A Fool Or He Will Hate You; Correct a Wise Man, and He Will Appreciate You"

This quote is SO true, and a true way to tell just how much you've actually grown. A friend of mine messaged me to let me know of an error that was in one of my posts. I was so happy that he had picked the error up so early so that other's wouldn't have to have such an eye sore sticking out at them while reading.

Yes. I did just thank him & give credit to myself.

That wasn't easy for me to do before.

Moral of the Story: Always be open to criticism. I used to be the first one to jump up and say, "you're a hater, such-and-such is just hating,"but the truth is that the truth is hard to hear. It's not only hard to hear, but it's also hard to comprehend and accept. Do yourself a favor: change what you can & accept what you cant.


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