Friday, April 18, 2014

I Am Who I Am

This 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper that was printed out from an e-mail a friend of mine had received changed my entire life. I still remember every detail about this moment vividly. 

He had originally asked me over so that I could hear the final product of his mixtape before he released it.
I listened to the album & it was dope to say the least. I liked it so much that I asked him to hand me a pen.
"I haven't written in a really long time.It probably won't even be that good," I said as I stared at the blank notebook he had just handed me.
"You can't start a new project with that kind of attitude. You need to clear your head first. Take the first page and describe yourself; start every sentence with I am, and continue until your finished."
How will I know when I'm finished, I thought to myself. Then I considered his many accomplishments, and I figured anything I learned from him could be useful.

I am an asshole
I am bitchy
I am emotionless  , I wrote then scribbled out.

It was at that moment that I stopped. I wasn't even three sentences in, and I had already experienced writer's block. After sitting there for a few minutes without allowing the blue ink to dance around the paper as feverishly as it had been moving moments before, he got up from the comfortable rug we had been laying on and grabbed a sheet of paper that was on his computer table. He didn't say anything as he sat back down and slid it over to me. It was amazing that how without a single word, he understood just what I needed at that moment.

I am someone who feels things passionately.
I am afraid to show how much I care, but
I am someone who can express those feelings through writing eloquently.
I am an artist.
I am a writer.

Those two words started a chain reaction.Now, I am: a writer, a poet who performs publicly, an author with two completed novels, and a small business owner.
Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it



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