Monday, May 19, 2014

I Want It All

I want it all. Hell I deserve it with all that I do. I'm a full time mom, employee, student, business owner and writer. It's exhausting, but I'm determined to be a successful business woman, author, and home maker. Even though I pick the worst men to date, and 24 hours just doesn't feel like enough time in a day, I am determined to make it work.

I want my dream home that I purchase from the money I make from my business with a beautiful family inside.

Yes. I want it all.

I'm realizing now that I'm CEO of my own company that that idea is easier said then done. I can't do promotion for my published book, write the follow up book, finish writing my trilogy, write three posts a week, do homework, work full time, take care of my baby, and still find time to make a man a priority.

But I'm still determined to have it all.


What moves you? If you don't know then you better find out!


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