Friday, June 20, 2014

Act Like A Lady - Think Like A Lady

In case ya’ll ladies didn’t know: YOU ARE NOT A MAN and therefore DO NOT have any business thinking like one. Yeah I said it. Despite the book and movies that followed, we need to focus less on thinking like them and more on accepting and embracing who we are and how we love.

Men are logical. Women are emotional. That’s just how we were made. Naturally we are loving, nurturing, virtuous, compassionate, and uplifting, but society now seems to want to change the way our creator made us to be.

I’m a grown ass woman & I don’t have time for games. I have way too much on my mental to worry about then trying to one up any man, much less someone who I would want as my partner. Any man who deals with me has to complement me: where I’m weak he should be strong and vice versa. How will we ever grow if we spend too much time competing and not enough time growing?

I’ve vocalized this with other women and their arguments all seem to be the same. “Thinking like a man means I don’t get hurt. I just treat them like they treat me.” FALSE! Take it from a woman who spent most of her life keeping people at a distance to avoid getting hurt: not fully allowing someone to really know and love you is lonely. When it’s late at night and you’re all alone because all of your friends are too busy with their boo thangs, and you have to spend another depressing night getting your romance fix by watching a romantic movie or T.V show is when it hits that being lonely hurts just as much.

Instead of trying to change how we think, we actually need to focus on no longer loving the wrong kind of man where those types of games are needed.


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