Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Maybe Our Friends Are Our Soulmates & Men Are Just People to Have Fun With"

My best friend & I have absolutely the weirdest friendship of all times. We argue, we love, we fight, we hate, but most importantly we are always there whenever we need each other the most.

I had dealt with this up and down roller coaster with him for far too long, and honestly how is anyone ever expected to get over a break up if they don't have someone else to be a voice of reason? I knew I was crazy over him, but I justified that because love makes you do crazy things right? Of course it does, but I wasn't just walking the line of insanity. Hell - I had flat out lost my damn mind.

I kept so much of my craziness to myself because if it didn't make sense to me how in the hell could it make sense to anyone else?

Well thank the good Lord above for some amazing wine and a friend who wasn't bothered by being caught up on the bullshit that was my love life. After we each completed our own pitcher of Sangria  Margaritas (yes you read that right! It's been a while since we opened up to each other like that and we both have our own foolishness that we need to get over - don't judge us) we let go of all of the crap that had been weighing us down. I had no idea I had been carrying around so much freaking baggage and I felt like a completely new person once I had relieved myself of all of it. It hit me at that moment: I had been allowing my past to hold me down like an anchor. Why was I letting my past keep me prisoner? I'm a writer, a story teller, and the shit I had tolerated would make for an amazing story if I stopped holding it all in. That freedom from the realization that my past is just a story and no longer controls me if I don't allow it to was priceless. I had to stop clinging on to that girl that I was so that I can accept that wonderful woman I had become.

Of course it's easy to be so confident on Sangria and Margaritas, but when soberness set it and my weakness for him almost took over I called her for some words of encouragement. Her reply is my reminder of why we've been friends for a decade despite all of our own roller coaster of drama. She sent me a reminder of the analogy she made the night before that I told her would eventually make it's way to my blog:

Moral of the Story: I spent too much time wondering how my 16 year old self would bounce back from a relationship without losing much sleep. How did that young girl live so confidently losing men as often as it had happened?  My motto back then had always been, "You can love me or leave me. I swear it won't make me or break me. Men like you come frequent like flight mileage and the next one is coming in quicker then the next bus anyway." That girl would have NEVER been caught dead in some of the shit I had, but that girl had always MAINTAINED an incredible support system. I guess it is true what they say:  "Maybe our friends are our soulmates & men are just people to have fun with." 


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