Monday, June 02, 2014

Be Patient & Tough; Someday the Pain Will Be Useful To You

The problem with pain is that we need it in order to grow but once we experience it we stop growing. The fear of reliving heartbreak , agony, and the mile long list of wild emotions that come with starting over again prevents us from ever opening up to another human the same way.
The fear of being hurt again can be crippling, but it can be controlled. It comes down to one question: Would you rather live life with the lessons of a relationship that once made you happy, or would you rather spend your life wondering would have happened if you had tried?
Life is short and we are not promised tomorrow so live a life you enjoy & choose love always.
Moral of the Story: I used this post before on my tumblr, but it's another one that's not just a relationship lesson. It's also a life lesson. Pain from relationships change you, pain from failed business attempts can change you, but they don't have to define you! If you get knocked down then get right back up and try it again a different way!


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