Wednesday, June 11, 2014


So if you read last week's reader question then you know it really gave me a chance to reflect on my own selfishness.
For example, I'm always going to be a bitch. I'm pretty positive that will never change, and even being that way I'm sure I will find someone who appreciates my tough, ambitious, attitude one day. The selfishness comes in from expecting someone to deal with that and my vicious tongue. Being a writer, my words can be harsh and ruthless. I once thought that being able to not sugar coat anything made me strong, and other people's need to cry from them made them weak, but it's the complete opposite.
Any idiot can say the first thing that comes to mind, but it takes a wise person to recognize the power in the right words they speak. Often times the harsh words are just a reflection of the terrible way that I'm feeling but my inability to communicate effectivly doesn't allow myself to express it. I'll throw adjectives around like daggers,  and then I'll be unsympathetic to the effects that follows. That's selfish as hell.
Crying doesn't mean that someone is weak.  It actually makes them stronger by allowing themselves to be free enough be vulnerable.
Moral of the Story: We come to perfection when we find the beauty in our imperfections. If you can't find anything beautiful about your flaw -Change it!


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