Sunday, July 13, 2014

Stay Positive, Strong, & Most Importantly - Focused!

Man! I have had quite the eventful last few days. One, I’ve had to go back to an old school phone that isn’t even able to use T9 which means my productivity with everything has been slowed down a great deal since I use my phone for everything even the internet on my laptop.
Worst of all, my starter on my car went out on me a few days before pay day. For almost three days I could only freak out about that which means I couldn’t even write. Without my phone I didn’t have access to my daily devotionals, scriptures, or my handy dandy bible app. It felt like all I could do was obsess about how I wasn’t going to be able to afford to do my photo shoot for my novel cover, or I wouldn’t be able to pay for the trailer for the book that’s already published.
I was incredibly stressed out and sadly I was not only being unproductive, but I was successful in stressing out my three year old also. Once I saw this effecting her, I knew I had to do something different.
Growing up my mother swore by Palms 91, and while I couldn’t remember it word for word I had remembered the most important part: “He is my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
That brought an amount of peace over me that I can't even describe and I finally relaxed and just took a nap instead of pissing off everyone around me. When I was awakened by my big little brother he happily handed me his debit card and told me to take out what I needed to get it fixed. My roommate had been in contact with a good friend of ours who was on his way to my rescue!
I sighed a huge sigh of relief and while my daughter slept peacefully next to me I immediately picked up my laptop that had been neglected in those days of worry and just picked up exactly where I left off.

Moral of the Story: When the enemy can’t stop you from fulfilling your purpose he’ll try to distract you. Just remember, even during the storm keep your eyes and focus on the Lord and He will see you through ANYTHING. 


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