Friday, July 11, 2014

I'm All Alone, but I'm Not Lonely

For as long as I can remember, I've always been in a relationship. I have never really given myself a chance to just be by myself for a while. I'm glad that's finally changed!

Sure late at night I think how nice it would be to have someone here with me, but I don't allow that feeling to make me desperate enough to fill my personal space with just anyone. I've wasted too many years of my life with people who didn't really love me, and I can't blame them because I clearly didn't love me.

This time alone has given me enough time to reflect on my amazing qualities, and it's also given me a chance to come to terms with some really ugly qualities that I have.

Despite my petty, vindictive, manipulative, and selfish ways, God has shown me how much he loves me through his grace and mercy every single day. It really does leave me baffled sometimes how he can love someone like me enough to continue to bless my life in the way he does every day. He loves me, He forgives me, He's there when I need someone to talk to, and He's there when I have no one else to depend on. He's shown me that even during my ugliest times I still deserve the purest and rarest form of love.

How can I not love me when my creator loves me so passionately? How can I really accept any other form of "love" if it isn't a reflection of what he gives me every single day?

Moral of the Story: You can't expect anyone to love you if you don't love yourself first. It's better to be alone than to be with anyone who can dim, or worse, kill your shine. Believe that the creator who has made you out of love has also created someone to love you the exact way you deserve to be loved. Realize that while you are alone you are simply being prepared for him and him for you. When the timing is right and you're both ready NOTHING will be able to separate what God has put together. Don't you think you deserve that?


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