Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 1 : 90 Day Turn Around

After yet another breakup, it's obvious it's time for a serious change. While most would resort to "wearing less and going out more," I want more for myself this time around.
A wise man once told me that we don't chose our future, we choose our habits and our habits determine our future. The only way to success is to change at least one thing we do every single day. That's exactly what I'm going to do.
With the help of God and my bible, I plan to change from my old way of thinking into the woman I was created to be.
You see, I no longer wanted to be recognized as an alpha female anymore. Instead of being known as that feisty woman with a dangerous talk game, I want to possess more power in my silence. Instead of being known as that carefree wandering spirit, I want to be more disciplined and structured. It's easy to just do whatever we want to do. What's hard is doing what we actually need to do.  I want to switch those two roles around.
Speaking of roles, I no longer care to be where I am today. After the last relationship that I was in, I can finally say that I really do want to get married and have more babies. I want that relationship like my grandparents had instead of just killing time with another man with commitment issues like myself. I want to one day be a wife, and I can't expect the position if I'm not currently willing to play the part.
With all of that said, I'm getting ready to venture into the woman I was supposed to be all along. Now that I've had a chance to read (and study) the bible for myself, I realize that I no longer want to deal with these traits that our creator didn't create me to have.
I'm not supposed to be as fearful and nervous as I am with my business or anything having to do with my career. The only fear I'm supposed to have, is that of the LORD.
I'm not supposed to be unforgiving, unmerciful, and as unloving as I've been up until recently, so I want it to change that. I want to be able to trust, love, and forgive other people. Most importantly, I want to be able to do it with myself first.

Day 1: Set a Goal

It's simple. Since we are after finishing the race and not just running it, we have to make sure to plan for success.
The bible says "Write the vision, and make it plan upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. (Habakkuk 2:2-3 KJV)
Today, set a goal for yourself. Don't just blindly walk through these next 90 days without knowing what you're really working towards. Have faith in the all mighty God that we serve so that you feel bold and confident enough to really stretch yourself out of your comfort zone.
 For me, I want to be a virtuous woman who is working towards marriage with him, so I can build the home life I want my daughter to one day have. I want to be fearless with my business and charity, and I plan to be much healthier while doing it. 
In a nutshell, I want to renew my mind and act on the things I believe in now. 
If you're like me you're probably thinking, "That's it?" Yes it is. I don't want to overload you (or myself) with a bunch of unrealistic things. I want every woman who starts this to finish it. So the only thing you need to worry about today is 
  • Setting the goals you wish to accomplish within the next 90 days
  • Write them down and put them in places where you'll see them throughout the day.
  • Really imagine yourself becoming the woman you're working towards
Day 1 is really that simple. Now go get it done!


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