Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Moving Foward

Is it me, or were break ups so much easier ten years ago? Sure my "love me or leave me alone," game was super strong so it made everything easy, but give me a break!
Back then all you had to do was stop answering their phone calls. Now you have to unfriend, unfollow, and untag them from everything. (Those aren't real words BTW, but I need ya'll to see where I'm going with all of this.)
It's bad enough that you're dealing with the pain from the heartbreak and failed relationship, but the constant reminder of certain things is like a slap in the face.
To make matters worst, even after you've done all of that you still have 2 million mutual friends, so escaping them entirely feels impossible unless you fall of the face of the world wide web. UGH!
Well, I'm now getting the opportunity to live out the advice that I give that seems to work for everyone else. According to the e-mails I get from some of you, my advice is like gold. Even though it seems worthless to me at times since I don't take it myself *shrugs shoulders*.
Welp....that's about to change. I started by getting my support system (my readers *smooches*, my sister, a few friends from my church, and Khloe).
Next, I need to establish the deadline for my grieving period. (Geez this is harder than I remember. Honestly, how do you establish an official day to move on from someone you still love?) Either way, I'm going to give myself 60 days. That might seem like a long grieving period to most, but I want to be realistic.
During this time, I'm going to discover all of the things I forgot I loved. I'll go on random dates with my friends, play a few pick up games of basketball, and check out some new movies. I'll shop until I hate it, and I'll write like there is no tomorrow. I'll rediscover what I need in a partner, and spend quality time with my friends who probably missed me anyway. Pray for me!

Moral of the Story: Nothing in life happens that God didn't allow. I'm going to learn to find joy in my tribulations (James 1:2-3) since He is the strongest when I'm the weakest (2 Corinthians 12:10).


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