Friday, October 30, 2015

#SetTheStandard 90 Day Challenge : Day 5

Those of you who follow me on snapchat (user name: keaidyb) know that I had a little difficulty in my walk yesterday.
I keep it real with you guys because becoming saved and choosing to walk closely with God in obedience isn't as easy as one would think.
Why? I'm glad you asked. The devil has no reason to bother you when you're living in sin. The moment you know who you are and the power you really posses as a virtuous woman standing firm on the word of God, you become a threat to him. This is where the faith we have in our Father, our God, our King become more important than ever before.
Anyway, those of you who have been following along before the challenge started know that I mentioned several times how I want the relationship I had with my ex to work out (which helped lead me to this challenge). Sometimes, it's really hard to lose focus on the vision when it feels like we are being attacked in every area of our lives possible. That is going to lead us to today's challenge.

Day 5
The bible says, "Listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Listen, King Jehoshaphat! This is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God's." (2 Chronicles 20:15 NIV)
Long story short - stop taking things personal. That attack on your relationship, your finances, or your positive thoughts with someone else's pettiness are a result of the enemy wanting to take you off course God has for you. DON'T LET HIM SUCCEED!
Today, we're kicking up our challenge from the day before even more. When someone says something, anything crazy, do not reply. Yes you read that right - do not reply. Do not feed into it. If you don't play around with the smoke, the fire won't grow - leave it alone.
Now if you guys are anything like me, this is going to be a VERY difficult task. (I'm just being as honest as possible. I don't have any reason to lie to you guys!) However, we are only doing this for the next 24 hours. Give it your all!
Now, if at any point you give in: you have to do 15 squats. That's right, I took it there. Don't learn the hard way because you can't keep your mouth closed for a little while.
Be of no reputation today. Don't take anything personal. God's got this. Don't let your faith tarry from the vision you wrote down on day 1. It's going to be hard in the beginning, but with everything it does get better with practice. ''

You've got this ladies. You're amazing, and you are a conqueror! You betta act like you know who you are!


  1. I'm so happy that I joined this challenge, this will be interesting to see how much I grow!! I'm so excited for growth!

  2. I had to do some squats so I know there is room for change! I do want to be summertime fine, but I do also know that I must be fine on the inside too!


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