Friday, May 23, 2014

I'm Not Heartless, I've Just Learned to Use My Heart Less

I'm a lover of love & a hopeless romantic at heart; I just can't help it.

That may come off as a surprise to any of my exes because I'm sure if you asked them they would tell you that I never showed it. I was always too busy being a bitch to actually take time to do anything sweet. It has nothing to do with me not caring about them, but I just always cared about me more. 

Why put myself completely out there just to risk having my heart broken again? 

Well, I did. 
I tried.
Once again, I tried. 

I put myself out there and trusted someone enough to fxck with the thing that makes me -my mind, and the thing that keeps me moving - my heart, and it got me no where. 

Does real love and fairy tales really exist or was it just another great story told from a wishful and talented author?


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