Friday, April 04, 2014

Artistry Is An Innate Distrust Of the Theory of Reality...

I was asked once, "How are you able to bring so much life and feelings from the characters that you create?"

To answer that honestly, it's because a piece of every character lives inside of me already. All of the feelings and emotions that I keep inside myself are brought alive through them. Every deep and twisted thought that I'm too scared to repeat comes out in my writing and story telling.

The following is a brief snippet from one of my characters in one of my up coming novels....
I had no idea just how lost I was until I found myself standing out there, in the middle of no where all alone.

He sucked me into his world, and while my mind told me to run my feet actually refused to move. I enjoyed the small game of cat and mouse that he and I had played in the beginning. I was so used to men showering me with attention, yet this one seemed so unaffected by the hypnotizing spell I had placed on so many others before him. Because of this,I was determined to figure him out.

I followed him deeper and deeper and spent more of my time drowning myself in his universe. I don't know where, but somewhere in between the magic and mayhem I had begun to grow sick of the thing that originally had me so interested in him to begin with. When does this chase end? Will there ever be a final destination?

When I finally realized that the effort I was putting in wasn't being matched and probably wasn't ever going to-I stopped, and a huge part of me actually hoped that he would notice and at least wait for me.Instead, my change of pace upset him.

For a while I tried to justify his anger. I understood that it must have been difficult for him to realize that a woman who was once so incited, intrigued, and in love with him had not only stopped moving forward, but she had also stopped trying to get him on the same level as her. After a while though, I grew tired of creating more excuses for his childish and hurtful behaviors, so I did something that I usually never do; I gave up.

Moral of the Story: "Artistry exists in everyone.What makes it blossom is a soul's personal desire to find an outlet for expression."
Find yours. 


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