Monday, April 07, 2014

Common Sense Is A Flower That Doesn't Grow In Everyone's Garden

Sometimes the only way to get common sense is to pay for it - literally.

I've been told many times before to never do business with friends because of what could follow, but I went against my common sense and did it anyway. He had the connection that I needed at the price that I could afford, so it seemed like a no brainer to get into business together.

The saying is true: if it seems too good to be true, then it is. I'm just a young, single mom trying to fund a business and a quality life for my daughter and myself, and had to find that lesson out the hard way from a 'friend' who was actually just a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

Well, I truly hope he enjoyed taking my money. Even though this moment left me momentarily stunned, I forgive him for cheating me out of my hard earned money & leaving me T-shirt less, and back to square one with less than TWO WEEKS until the launch of my online store; It's OK. Before this time in my life, there were so many things about me that I didn't even know about me, so I am not surprised that other people didn't realize it either. 

I am Keaidy Bennett and I do not see problems only solutions.

My savior sees that I gave him money in good faith and he did something else with it other than what he promised and provided documentation for (that could easily be used in court to get my money back BTW). Luckily for him, the money I put up isn't worth the hassle to get it back. I'm a hustler, and I am blessed, so that money is coming back times ten, but sadly for him he'll have to answer to it with the Almighty when that time comes. 

Now PLEASE do not misunderstand my calm demeanor about this situation for me being passive or a push over because that's far from true. I'm still petty and a bxtch, but I just learned when to use it and when to leave it alone. While I"m not going to waste any more time or money pursing this, I WILL give this disclosure: any idea that I post or talk about is already copy written. So if you decide to take my idea, then please go right on ahead. Queen Petty (me) will support you and even encourage others to show support as well. If it means that much to you that you have to sink so low, you can have the fame. You can be the front runner, but I'll be DAMNED if I don't get paid for my creative ideas; try me if you want to.


Moral of the Story: A wise man knows that he knows nothing at all. Basically, it's best to take advice from those with more experience than you. On Wednesday, I'm going to feature a guest blogger, Charlotte, who is proof that chasing babies and a dream is hard but not impossible! Make sure to check back Wednesday to #WatchHerWerk! 


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