Friday, January 03, 2014

I'm Just A Dreamer Caught In The Middle of Make Believe and Reality


Books, poems, short stories, plays, scripts, songs, hell I'll even write recipes or clever messages on the back of freaking cereal boxes!

I'm smart enough to not have to work every day like a slave to make someone else's dreams come true when I could be using this time to build my own empire! I've never wanted anything more in my life than I want to just spend my life writing. No clocking in & out, scheduling my vacation time, or building my life around a schedule some unknown human made for me!

One day I won't count down the hours on a clock because I'll be doing what I love & enjoying every damn minute of it. It won't matter if I'm swamped in work or on a vacation - I'm going to enjoy every single moment of all of my days.

For now though, I'll just enjoy that thought while I pray for a longer break & at night in my dreams.

Moral of the Story: When your dreams keep you up at night - you're on the right path. When you want to achieve something more than you want to breathe - you're on the right path.  I KNOW my time is coming because for once in my life I'm not going to stop until I get there. 


  1. Have you submitted any work to literary journals? I understand that that's the first step.

    1. No I have not done that yet. Thanks so much for the advice though. I will be looking into it.
      Also, thanks for reading and taking the time to comment :)


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