Monday, April 28, 2014

Keaidy B. _ B For Bxtch

I'm a btxch - according to modern definition anyway.Because if I were a man I would be seen as confident and powerful, but because I'm a woman I'm simply a bitch.

Because I'm a woman who knows exactly what I want and I work hard enough to get everything that my heart desires I will gladly accept that fact. I've accepted who I am and what I am, so you all can keep the, "It's so degrading to be referred to as a bxtch," or "why would any woman call herself that," to yourselves. 

And anyway, bxtch is my second favorite English word. Crazy right? I'm an author, a woman of many words, and yet my favorite two words are curse words. To me, bxtch is just another type of punction. Some sentences really do not seem complete with a bxtch at the end.

Truthfully, a word is just a word unless you give it meaning. A word is harmless unless you give it power.

Bxtches get shit done and everyone remembers the crazy bxtch.

If you were unfortunate enough to not know one - then I must say it's nice to finally meet you :) 



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