Monday, July 28, 2014

My God, Will This Kid Ever Learn When To Be Quiet?

It's a really beautiful thing having a child who is very outgoing and willing to say whatever comes to her mind. That's where the children's book I'm Perfect the Way I Am was birthed, her brutal honesty has saved me from wearing things I had no business even buying, and her eagerness to tell people about her mom who writes has helped me get a few writing gigs and even sell a few books.

Yes, her outgoing nature is a gift, but it's also a curse.

This child has been harassing me for months about wanting to have a sibling. Every time she expresses this with me, I just try to keep it simple and say, "Mommy has to meet a nice man first baby."

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I was in the grocery store with my mini me while I was dressed in my workout gear. We were in the cereal isle, and she was entertaining herself on my phone while I looked at countless food labels in search of the healthiest granola bar.

Gorgeous Stranger: [Insert fancy scientific term here]
Me: Excuse me??
Gorgeous Stranger: The one you're looking at has [Insert fancy scientific term here], and if you're trying to eat healthier you might want to try this one instead.

So this SUPER fine, mocha man proceeds to hand me the one he suggested, and then he goes on to explain that he's a personal trainer and a nutritionist. While I was reviewing the food label relieved that I knew and could pronounce all of the ingredients, he pulls out his business card and tells me to call him if I ever needed a personal trainer, a nutritionist, or anything else.

Khloe: That's a nice man right mommy?

Not realizing where her question was going, I agreed with her.

Khloe: OK, so then now can I have a brother or sister?

My face immediately got hot as he chuckled at Khloe's comment. Honestly, I do a pretty damn good job of scaring off men on my own without having to add my blabber mouth daughter to the mixture.

After such an embarrassing moment, I decided to divulge to her that I not only had to find a nice man, but I also had to be married, and I haven't heard a thing since then about her wanting any siblings. I guess my three year old has just as much faith as I do about that ever happening.


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