Monday, November 17, 2014

Because You Need to Forget This Modern Day Stuff & Cater to the Men Too

I don't know how any of my male readers can come on here and say that I don't give out any advice for ya'll. Have you seen any of the previous posts where I'm trying to encourage some ladies to be women? Anyway, since the fellas do show up and show out, and as women we should cater to the men, then I'm posting this one for ya'll.
No tea or shade, but this is for real some hoe stuff. That's like when you're on a test drive for a new car and the check engine light comes on before the transmission starts acting crazy on you. Are you really going to try to hear when the car salesman says, "Oh it's OK. It will be different when you own it though."


You want the role of  girlfriend, boo, wife, WHATEVER - than act like it! Play your role, and if you can't do that then don't be mad when he finds someone that does. Anyway, no man wants a woman who is everywhere doing everything with everyone. Learn to sit down and relax for a night or two. Read a book, do something to better yourself, or whatever you need to do but please stop making excuses for what you do. After all, grown women don't do that.


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